MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
What is MTSS

Definition: Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework that helps educators provide academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs. MTSS grew out of the integration of two other intervention-based frameworks: Response to Intervention (RtI) and PBIS. (definition provided by PBIS Network)
Key Components of MTSS: MTSS takes a proactive approach to identifying students with academic or behavioral needs. Early assessment and intervention for these students can help them catch up with their peers sooner. The key components of MTSS include:
Universal screening of all students early in the school year
Tiers of interventions that can be amplified in response to levels of need
Ongoing data collection and continual assessment
Schoolwide approach to expectations and supports
Parent/School/Community involvement
Team‐Driven Shared Leadership
Data‐Based Problem Solving (multiple sources) and Decision‐Making
Layered Continuum of Supports
Evidence‐Based Practices (Interventions and Strategies)