Beth Streicher

Streicher, Beth - Individual Education Teacher

Let the Adventure Begin!
​I am an Individual Education Teacher on 6Red. My focus is Specialized Reading and co-teaching Language Arts and Math.  I also provide Resource Instruction for Students with Individual Education Plans and conduct IEP Annual Reviews and Re-evaluations. Welcome to 6th Grade.

About Me

I grew up in the Waukegan/Gurnee area and continue to live nearby.  I am in my tenth year of teaching in this position at Viking and my 7th year as head Softball Coach for Viking. 

I graduated from Illinois State University with an undergraduate degree in Social Work.  I continued my studies at Northeastern University in Chicago where I earned a graduate degree in Special Education.  

My lovely husband, Nick, and I have been married for 19 years. He also teaches at Viking - 8th grade Science/Athletic director.  We have two wonderful children, a senior and sophomore in high school. Our energetic dog, Brookie, is a Husky/Retriever mix. 

I enjoy watching our children participate in sports, reading, running, listening to podcasts, and playing miniature golf with my family. 




Awesome August

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. 6Red is looking forward to a fantastic year full of adventure. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

6th graders will be adjusting to Middle School and all the new information. Please be patient with your child and teachers. Transitions can cause big emotions at first, but students tend to adjust as time progresses.

Fall Sports start August 24th and 6th graders can participate in Girls Softball (My favorite), Soccer, and Cross-Country. Make sure you get a physical as soon as possible. You will need this to participate.

Here are a few questions you can ask your middle schooler to get the conversation started:

What was the best part of your day?

What was the most challenging part of your day?

Tell me about one of your friends.

What do your friends bring for lunch?

Did you meet anyone new?

What’s the funniest thing that happened today?

What do your friends do after school?

How can I help you?

Is there anything you want me to know?

Contact Information

Please contact me:
Beth Streicher
Phone: 847-336-2108 ext. 2106 
Email is the quickest and most efficient way to get a hold of me. 

If you would like me to contact you by phone, these following times are the best.
Before School 
Team Plan
Personal Plan

If you leave a message, please leave the number where you would like to be contacted and the best time to contact you during school hours.  See above times. 

I will respond to emails and messages by the end of the day or sooner if possible.  I will make contact within 24 hours.  If it is related to a particular class assignment for another teacher, please reach out to that teacher first.  This will save you time.  


Welcome to E-Learning!

If we have any e-learning days due to weather or other event, we will follow the e-learning schedule provided by the school.  Material and assignments will be given on Google Classroom.  Each student is enrolled into their correct class.  All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom and all assignments will be turned into Google classroom as well. Assignments may be a Workbook Sheet, Infographic, Real World Reading, Task Cards and/or Practice sheets.