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Zimerfeld, Ella - Digital Literacy Teacher

Phone: 847-249-6253

Email: Email Ella Zimerfeld

You will find lots of answers to your question here, as well as
links to our classes in the Grades page. 
If you need to reach me, click on the Contact page. 

I was born in Moldova in the former USSR.  I came to the USA
when I was 11.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering
and a Master's degree in Elementary Education.  Some of the
careers I've had include working as an engineer, selling real
estate and insurance, working as IT for a diamond company,
teaching middle school math and teaching computer classes at
a community college.  I love teaching my students about the world
around them and how to use materials in many different ways
other than what they are designed for.  I hope to inspire my
students to be curious life long learners.  I have 3 amazing children
and 2 ok cats and enjoy playing pickleball, basketball and
​crocheting in my free time.
